**Monthly Fee:** $100  
**Contract Term:** Month-to-Month 


1. **Exclusive Offer:**  
   This membership grants you secure access to premium services at a competitive price. Please note, there are only **20 slots** available.  

2. **Cancellation Policy:**  
   This membership comes with the understanding that there is **ABSOLUTELY NO CANCELLING & RE-SUBSCRIBING AT YOUR DISCRETION!** If you decide to cancel your membership, you will not be guaranteed another slot upon re-signing. Additionally, you will be obligated to return to paying full price for each visit thereafter.

3. **Payment Policy:**  
   Timely monthly payments are encouraged. There is a **1-day grace period** allowed for payments. Failure to make a payment within this grace period will lead to immediate cancellation of your membership.

4. **Appointment Booking:**  
   Members must schedule appointments during business hours to ensure their reserved slot.  

5. **Visit Limit:**  
   Members are encouraged to maximize their look with a maximum of **2-3 visits per week**.  

6. **Members Only:**  
   All services provided under this membership are exclusive and cannot be shared with non-members.  

7. **Included Services:**  
   Membership includes haircuts, full grooming services, beard shaping, line-ups, and designs.


By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the terms and policies of the Unlimited Haircut Membership. You agree to comply with all policies and payment requirements set forth.

**Member Name:** _______________________________________   
**Member Email:** _______________________________________    
**Member Phone Number:** ________________________________   

**Signature:** ____________________________________________    
**Date:** ________________________________________________   


By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the terms and policies of the Unlimited Haircut Membership. You agree to comply with all policies and payment requirements set forth.